Fatima Groups United

Fatima Groups United, in collaboration with the CDETB, run a  drama group which has evolved over a couple of years into a strong group of actors who work together to devise poetry, plays and film. We meet once a week and during that time, we decide on a project or topic we would like to explore and then set about creating. During covid, the courtyard in IMMA became our home and there we have written and filmed a number of pieces, including ‘Courtyard Conversations’ and ‘Seafield’, a short film that went on to screen in the Dublin International Smart Phone Film Festival in March. We were also very proud to be selected as part of the Abbey Theatre’s Dear Ireland 3 project. Our Dear Ireland video was filmed in the underground carpark at the F2 centre and was an expression of all of the frustrations felt during lockdown. This project was definitely a saving grace during this very difficult time. We work year-round and take great pleasure in creating work to celebrate festivals like Christmas, St Bridget Day and St Patricks festival, this year we collaborated with the FGU dance and poetry groups in creating a piece ‘Dance till Dán’ for the St Patricks festival. Most recently we have staged a morning of short summer plays, ‘New Commandments’, ‘Blooming Landlord’ and ‘Ball Park’, in the gardens at IMMA. Currently we meet mainly in IMMA and also the F2 centre in Rialto, and we are always happy to welcome new members.  

The group meet on Thursdays from 10:00 – 1:00. 

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