Dublin North Inner City Contacts

Dublin North Inner City Contacts
Regional OfficeCity of Dublin ETB Adult Education Service, Parnell Adult Learning Centre, 1 Parnell Square East, Dublin 1Tel: (01) 814 7900
RoleNameEmailTel Number
Adult Education OfficerMeliosa Bracken[email protected](01) 8147900
Adult Literacy OrganiserDenise Shannon[email protected]01) 8147900
Adult Literacy OrganiserDenise Todd-Goudie[email protected](01) 8147900
Adult Literacy Organiser – ESOLEmily Marshall[email protected](01) 8147900
Community Education FacilitatorKathryn Cleary[email protected](01) 8147900

English Language


Pamela McGonnell

[email protected]


086 0671770
Holy Family 
Senior Support TutorSuzanne Nolan[email protected](01) 814 7900
Guidance CounsellorJoyce Gough[email protected]


087 061 2149

Guidance CounsellorHelen Wade[email protected]


086 059 8569

Guidance Counsellor (Soilse)Sinead Mcnerney[email protected]


086 013 7836

Guidance CounsellorPat Buckley[email protected]


086 1374170

Guidance Information OfficerGrainne Nieto Smyth[email protected]


086 1084 686


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