Dublin Cabra & Finglas
Dublin North: Cabra and Finglas
What kind of courses do we have in Cabra and Finglas?
Adult Education
- Reading, Writing, Spelling, Numbers
- Computer and Digital Skills
- Using Technology on your phone/tablet/IPAD/laptop
- Dyslexia support for adults and for parents of children with dyslexia
- Basic Skills for adults with learning disability
- Preparation for Work
- Study Skills for College
- Study Skills for Apprentices
Community Education
- Mental Health and Well Being
- Art, Crafts, Drama, Gardening, Music, Cookery, DIY Skills, Bicycle Maintenance
- Climate and Social Justice
- Return to education for adults in drug recovery
English Language
- English Language QQI Levels 1-5
- English Language and Literacy
- Preparation for College for Adults with English as a Second Language
- Preparation for Work for Adults with English as a Second Language
Message us on Facebook Tel:
(086) 013 8147
Click on the contact form in contact us
All our classes are free
Click here to see a video of the courses in Cabra and Finglas
Cabra & Finglas Dublin Courses
Services in this Region
Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Maths
New Courses: Maths for Apprentices QQI Level 4
If you are interested in in this course contact :Contact Nicola in the Finglas Training Centre
WhatsApp or Phone 087 194 8468
Email: [email protected]
or scan this QR code
Click here to register your details
In Finglas and Cabra, we provide free classes for people who want to improve their reading, writing, spelling, maths or digital and computer skills.
The service is aimed at adults who want to :
- Return to education
- Brush up on reading, writing, maths and digital skills
- Up-skill or re-skill for work
- Gain confidence and work towards a recognised certificate
- Develop the English language skills needed to live, work and study in Ireland
What level are the classes?
You can learn at a level that suits you, whether you are a complete beginner or just want to brush up. If you wish, you can gain a certificate.
You can gain certification in modules from QQI levels 2 to 4.
We also run lots of non-accredited classes where you can learn for fun with like-minded people.
Contact: Rebecca Callaghan in Finglas
Email: [email protected] 0860610200
Orna Fynes in Finglas
Email: [email protected] 086 061 2532
Contact: Claire Moloney in Cabra
Email: [email protected] 086 061 2062
All classes are free of charge.
Free Digital Skills Programmes
- Get Smartphone Ready
- Driver Theory Test
- Digital Skills for Jobseekers
- Internet Skills
- Word Processing Skills
- Computer Literacy
- Digital Skills for English Language Learners
- Digital Skills in Preparation for College
- Word Processing, Excel and IT Skills QQI Levels 1-5
We aim to help you at whatever stage you are at.
Small class sizes: 6-8 people
Contact: Orna Fynes in Finglas
Email: [email protected] 086 061 2532
Contact: Catherine Smyth in Cabra:
Email: [email protected] 086 061 2062
Community Education
The City of Dublin ETB Adult Education Service delivers a comprehensive Community Education programme. We also work closely with our Community Education partners.
New Courses starting September 2023
A range of different courses are delivered, including:
Access to the Arts:
- Community Drama
- Community Art and Crafts (pottery, weaving, sewing, season crafts and many more)
- Music / Choir
- Creative Writing
- Health and Fitness, Yoga and Pilates
- Mindfulness
- Personal Development
- Cookery and Healthy Eating
- First Aid
Equality and Social Justice
- Social / Racial Justice & Awareness
- Sustainability and Climate Justice Awareness
- Community Development
Climate Justice Education Strategy
“Climate change is the single greatest threat to a sustainable future but, at the same time, addressing the climate challenge presents a golden opportunity to promote prosperity, security and a brighter future for all.”
Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General of UN
We are all worried about climate change and what might happen to our planet and to our lives.
CDETB Adult Education Service offers lots of courses that will teach you new skills, as well as giving you information about the climate crisis and opportunities to take action.
• Community Gardening
• Upcycling Fashion
• Bike Maintenance
• Weaving
• Art
• Crafts
• Drama
• Creative Writing
• Cookery
We also offer short courses and workshops so that communities can understand how the climate crisis will affect them and identify solutions that they can take action on:
• Introduction to Climate Justice
• Sustainable Living
• Communities and Climate Action
For information about our courses and workshops, contact our Community Education Team.
Contact our
Community Edcucation Facilitator, Finglas and Cabra
Claire Behan Email: [email protected] 087 231 2589
Free English Language Classes in Cabra and Finglas
Our English language learners talk about their classes.
Free, flexible, part-time English Language classes.
- Elementary
- Pre-Intermediate
- Intermediate
- Business English
- Skills for Work Programme
- English language and literacy
Some courses are accredited at QQI Levels 3, 4 and 5.
Who are our Learners?
We prioritise learners who:
- are getting a social welfare payment.
- asylum seekers and people with refugee status.
- EU and non-EU economic migrants.
- people who have less than Leaving Cert standard of education in their country of origin.
- people who do not have literacy in their first language
English Language and Literacy
The Adult education Service provides classes in English language and literacy to learners who do not read or write well or at all in their first language. These class sizes are generally very small, between 4-6 people.
Contact James O’Keeffe our English Language Co-ordinator
Email: [email protected] 087 217 2772
Check our courses on FETCH https://adulteducationcityofdublinetb.ie/region-3/courses/
Climate Justice Education Strategy
The Climate Justice Education in Practice Tutor Handbook was published by City of Dublin ETB’s Adult Education Service in 2023. This comprehensive handbook provides a wide range of teaching and learning resources, using development education methodologies. It includes a wide range of suggested participatory activities, learner worksheets and handouts, and tutor guiding notes. It is targeted at tutors teaching at Level 3 on the NFQ but many of the activities will be of use for Level 2 – 4 learner groups too.
The Climate Justice Education in Practice Tutor Handbook was written by Sian Cowman, PhD Researcher with Melíosa Bracken, Community Education Facilitator.
Click here to download The Climate Justice Education in Practice Tutor Handbook
“Climate change is the single greatest threat to a sustainable future but, at the same time, addressing the climate challenge presents a golden opportunity to promote prosperity, security and a brighter future for all.”
Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General of UN
We are all worried about climate change and what might happen to our planet and to our lives.
CDETB Adult Education Service offers lots of courses that will teach you new skills, as well as giving you information about the climate crisis and opportunities to take action.
• Community Gardening
• Upcycling Fashion
• Bike Maintenance
• Weaving
• Art
• Crafts
• Drama
• Creative Writing
• Cookery
Join a class today!
Contact our local Community Education Facilitator/Coordinator for further information about our Climate Justice Education programme.
Community Education Facilitator: Claire Behan
[email protected] 087 231 2589
Community Education Coordinator: Claire Moloney
[email protected] 087 245 3151
Adult Education Guidance Service Cabra and Finglas
What does the Adult Education Guidance Service Offer?
The Adult Education Guidance Service helps people to make informed education, career and life choices by providing impartial and confidential Guidance Counselling and Information to adults in relation to their education, training and career options. Our service is free of charge.
You can meet with a professional and qualified Guidance Counsellor or Guidance Information Officer in a confidential setting to discuss your education and training needs. We also provide group information and guidance to adult education classes.
Take a look at our video:
The Adult Education Guidance Service is for adults who:
- Are uncertain about their future.
- Are considering returning to or continuing with education.
- Are having difficulty in finding or keeping suitable employment due to a lack of appropriate education qualifications
Who Can Use Our Service?
Our service is available to students of the Adult Education Service and to the general public.
Our Service is:
- Free of charge
- Impartial –we tell you about all the options available not just in the City of Dublin ETB.
- Friendly and supportive
- Dedicated to enabling people to realise their full potential in life
The Guidance Counsellor will help you to:
- Identify your unique strengths, experiences and potential.
- Support you to make decisions about your future education.
- Take a step by step approach to achieve your goals.
- Reach your full potential in life.
The Guidance Information Officer can:
- Provide you with all the education options available that suits your needs.
- Research your education and training options.
- Help you understand the funding supports, entry requirements and qualification levels.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/adulteducationservice
Click below to download our Newsletter:
Adult Education Guidance Newsletter
Dublin Cabra and Finglas:
Guidance Counsellor: Karen Granville
Email: [email protected] 087-2945154
Guidance Information Officer: Jacqui Mythen
Email: [email protected] 085-218 6146
Tel: 01-558 5199
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Finglas
Back to Education Initiative (BTEI)
Back to Education Initiative courses are free to people
- who have less than Leaving Cert level of education
- receive a social welfare payment
- who have a current full medical card
It allows you to study part-time without affecting your social welfare payment
Courses range from 1 hour to 17 hours per week for up to 33 weeks per year.
In Cabra and Finglas, we have BTEI courses in
- Childcare
- Digital Skills
- English Language
- Horticulture
All courses our courses have certification at QQI Levels 4 and 5
Contact: Orna Fynes in Finglas
Email: [email protected] 086 061 2532
Contact: Catherine Smyth in Cabra
Email: [email protected] 086 061 2062
Study Skills Service for Apprentices
Click here to watch a short video:
- Literacy and numeracy support on a one-to-one or small group basis
- Study skills sessions
- Support classes for technical drawing
- Maths support classes for electricians, plumbers and carpenters
- English language support
- IT and Digital Skills Support
- Development of resources for learners
We provide workshops and English Language support to traineeships including:
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Graphic Design
- Office Administration
- Legal Administration
- Hairdressing Skills
Nicola Callaghan: Study Skills Co-ordinator
Finglas Training Centre
Poppintree Industrial Estate
Jamestown Road,
Finglas, Dublin 11.
087 194 8468 / (01) 814 0221
Email: [email protected]
Workplace Education
The City of Dublin Education and Training Board is a leader in workplace education.
We offer a wide range of programmes to develop skills in the areas of literacy, digital literacy and English language.
We provide both public and private companies with programmes tailored to meet the needs of employees, These programmes can be accredited by QQI if that is what the employees need.
We work collaboratively with employers, employees, local government, unions and organisations in Dublin such as Dublin City Council, An Post, Irish Rail, Mondeleze, Boots and Arnotts.
We help organisations identify the training needs of their staff and to promote, design, deliver and evaluate workplace education courses.
Organisations may be eligible for government funding up to 100%.
Who do I contact:
City of Dublin ETB Workplace Education Co-ordinator:
Joan Devlin
Tel: (01) 862 3828
Email: [email protected]
Skills for Work: What our students say
“We entered into an agreement a few years ago for the provision of the Skills for Work programme for SIPTU members at SIPTU College.
The feedback from learners has been exceptional. Not only have they acquired much needed skills but the achievement of those skills has also made a major contribution to their self-confidence and has encouraged further study. Several have progressed to the Level 5 programmes at SIPTU College and elsewhere. I highly recommend this service.”
Dr Tish Gibbons, Head of SIPTU Training College
“Derrycourt Cleaning Specialists have found the Skills for Work Programme invaluable to assisting our employees and managers with better communication and IT skills. We initially started with a group of cleaning operatives working within a healthcare environment attending the communication skills through English course. This group of employees benefitted so much from the training that they completed further training, with a number of the staff getting their portfolio officially accredited at QQI Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework. Following the success of this initial course, word soon spread about the benefits of the courses. We held further training for Cleaning Operatives in three other healthcare facilities in Dublin that Derrycourt provide contract cleaning. In each location the hospital personnel noticed a significant improvement in the communication from our operatives and were delighted with the outcome.
A group of our operational managers completed a Business English with IT Skills course and found the skills and knowledge they learned hugely beneficial and put the success of the course down to the expert tuition skills of their teacher. Other managers within the business commented without prompting the improvement in their level of verbal and written communication.
Derrycourt Cleaning Specialists would wholeheartedly recommend the Skills for Work Programme for any employer.” Anna Heather, Learning & Development Manager, Derrycourt Cleaning Specialists
I would like to thank you for the supports you arranged for me throughout the course I did in Pottery and Health Safety in the Workplace. Because of the support I got it was the first college exam I ever did. I would never have had the courage before and I received a distinction today for my work.
Christina, Adult Education Service Learner
Padlet with information on education for adults with Intellectual Disabilities.
New Courses
All our new courses for September are are on our website: https://cdetbadulteducationfinglas.ie
Click on the icon below to register your details
Click on the link below to download a copy of our Adult Education Guidance Service Newsletter!
Adult Education Guidance Newsletter
International Women’s Day Finglas
We raised over €500 for Women’s Aid.
Our student, Siphathisiwe, who currently takes part in one of our digital skills courses spoke about the importance of digital skills for women in this era of digital technology.
Our history tutor, Joan Foley, gave a history of influential woman and the development of woman’s rights through the years, and Diana’s art group displayed portraits of inspirational women.
Watch the video here: You Tube Video
Cabra & Finglas Dublin Courses
Hear what our students say
Christine has opened a world so wide for my mind, eyes and ears to connect and write about. So thank you and the service for allowing me. Join Christine's amazing writing class.
The course was excellent, both in terms of what we learned and the support available. It really helped me to build up confidence in my educational abilities.
Through the centre, I found out about the Access Foundation Programme in TU Dublin, to help prepare me to do a degree course. It was hard work at times, but I definitely felt more prepared for it having completed the Human Growth and Development course, which had helped get me into the habit of studying and writing essays.
I was offered a place on the Social Work degree course in Trinity College for September. A few years ago, I couldn’t have even imagined that I’d be capable of this.
It’s therapy, you forget all the hurts you have as a child. There is a beautiful grounding for you to learn and you will learn.