Check out what is happening in Climate Justice Education in the Adult Education Service
- Grow your own onions – Class tutor Susan Collins in Artane Family Resource Centre
- Poster – example of Climate Justice course in South Inner City Dublin
- Scarf – a knitted scarf by CDETB craft tutor Marja Almqvist showing increases in global warming over the last one hundred years
- Tree planting – Tree Planting Workshop with CDETB gardening tutor Eoin O’Brien
- Weaving students: Sustainable Textiles Weaving Course learners Eric O’Reilly and Breda Mooney with their handiwork
- Pledge Tree: Tutors and Learners making Sustainable Pledges for 2022 in our Finglas Adult Education Centre

We offer short courses and workshops so that communities can understand how the climate crisis will affect them and identify solutions that they can take action on:
- Introduction to Climate Justice
- Sustainable Living
- Communities and Climate Action
For information about our courses and workshops, contact your Community Education Team in your local area